Thursday 22 April 2010

Campaigning in St. James Street Thursday 22 April

Campaigning in St. James' Street today, and... an Argus publicity shoot! of the campaigning.

What will the Argus make of it????? (and what will we??)... that's if it gets printed, of course! It's possibly coming out on Saturday 24 April

(Newspapers/ TV often turn up, but the story is `knocked off the front page' (or completely off the TV programme/ out of the newspaper).. 

so it may... or, very well, may not appear! But the campaign stall and megaphone attracted lots of interest. The election campaign nationally and locally does indeed seem to have been blown wide open, with the disenchantment with the mainstream parties... people seem, on the doorstep, ands in campaign megaphone/ literature stall/ leafletting events such as this, to be much more genuinely open to debate, to listening (as well as talking!)...

Hope the media - and the voters/ public!- turn up for our main `election stunt'.... be there, Churchill Square, 11.30am for 12... Saturday 24 April... the great balloon stunt... yes folks, £250 worth of helium filled ballonos...  costume role play.... bankers...  billions of pounds... hold the front page!. 

no.... not... repeat, not a salute... but... pointing to the future!... hopefully a socialist, a TUSC, MP for Brighton Kemptown

let's see the Argus tomorrow... or the next day... or the next...

in today's (Thursday's) Argus... good and fair reporting of the TUSC policies by Dave Hill- `Why I am standing in this election'